Return to Play Plan
Covid 19 Guidelines
Sept – Dec 2020


The purpose of this document is to provide the details of the Fraser Valley Walking Soccer, allowing the players to have a full understanding of what is required of each individual. From September 18 to November 20,2020 the aim is have a smooth flowing and safe environment to lower the risk of COVID-19. These guild lines were structed through the Canada Soccer rated this RTTP as “low risk”. This plan and all referenced material are intended to support informed decision-making by our members.

Providing a Clean, Safe Environment

Fortunately, Fraser Valley Walking Soccer is predominantly outdoor, making it a safe sporting activity. We have checked of the listing of things that WorkSafeBC COVID- 9 Safety Plan to ensure the environment in which we are all participating within is safe for players, technical staff and volunteers. The league has implemented  he following health and safety precautions in order to provide a clean and safe environment.


  • Before/After the games all material used will be sanitized and kept together for safety.
  • Teams will be responsible for their own equipment to ensure limited contact with teams.
  • Team equipment may not be handled / touched by an individual other than that team’s members.


  • Fields will have one entrance and one exit only. Adherence to entry and exit points must be followed by all participants, volunteers and staff for the safety of all members.
  • Session start and end times will be staggered to permit coaches and players the opportunity to warm up and be able to exit the field at a respectful time for the games to flow along with limiting the amount of people on the field at a time.
  • Player/ teams that are not playing will not be allowed on the field while games are going on. Teams are only allowed on the field during their schedule time to play.
  • Teams are responsible to bring their own sanitation material.


  • Any individual that is not playing will not be allowed on the field with the team.
  • On arrival team member can meet on the outside of the field before playing time, however, will not be let on the field until the previous games are finish.
  • Spectators can watch outside the fence of the field while following the social distance protocols.